About Us

Innovators. Engineers. Musicians.

Welcome to RoEx. We're more than just a company; we're a collective of innovators, dreamers, and creators united by a shared passion - to revolutionise the way music is produced.

Our journey began with a singular problem that plagued the music industry. The process of mixing and mastering music, a crucial step in the production process, was often tedious and time-consuming, overshadowing the joy and creativity inherent to music making. Recognising this problem and driven by a desire to help creators, our team of entrepreneurs, academics, sound engineers, musicians, and developers came together to form RoEx.

Our mission is simple: to streamline and enhance the creative process for musicians of all skill levels. By harnessing the power of AI, we've created innovative tools that transform the way music is produced.

At the heart of our product line is Automix, an AI-powered mixing and mastering platform designed to deliver a professional and balanced mix in just minutes. Additionally, we offer Mix Check Studio, an ingenious tool that uses AI to scrutinise your mixes or masters and provides actionable feedback to help you refine your work.

Every member of the RoEx team brings unique expertise and dedication to our shared mission. Together, we've been able to secure VC backing and deliver some of the most innovative products of 2023, transforming the music production landscape.

But our vision doesn't stop there. With every product we develop and every musician we assist, we're committed to sparking a new era of creativity in the world of music production. We're dedicated to a future where technology empowers creativity and your imagination sets the tune.

Meet the Founder

Meet David Ronan, the visionary behind RoEx. With a clear and ambitious goal in mind, he set out to simplify and enrich the music creation process for artists at all levels. David founded RoEx, drawing inspiration and early support from his academic mentor, Prof. Josh Reiss.

David holds a PhD in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science from the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University of London. Under the mentorship of Prof. Josh Reiss, one of the original founders of LANDR and a leading figure in the field, David focused his research on intelligent audio production tools. This academic journey allowed him to delve into the intersection of technology and music, laying the groundwork for what would later become RoEx.

During his academic years, David took a brief hiatus to work in the research department at Native Instruments in Berlin. Intrigued by his PhD work, the team there provided him with practical experience that enriched his academic insights.

Prior to launching RoEx, David led the research team at AI Music for approximately 4.5 years. The team was dedicated to advancing the field of adaptive music, and their innovative work caught the attention of Apple, leading to an acquisition. This milestone served not just as a career highlight, but also as a validation of years of hard work and innovation.